Coach-123 offers advanced development for advanced results.


Free Q&A and Discussion Time on All Things Coaching

Thursday March 20, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM New York US and Canada, ET
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM London

Come with questions and thoughts to explore on coach training, credentialing, coaching, and coaching business.

3-Hour Course! Introduction to Coaching

Tuesday March 25, 2025
11:00AM - 2:00PM New York US and Canada, ET
3:00PM - 6:00PM GMT

Class size is limited!

Earn .3 CEUs – the Center for Coaching Certification is accredited by IACET to offer CEUs - this program is only $25.

Designed for people who are considering becoming a coach or who hire coaches in their organizations.

Explore what coaching is and is not, ethics, competencies, group and team coaching, coaching models and processes, communication in coaching, goal setting, and the journey to becoming a coach.

Consulting and Coaching: Powerful Pair for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Thursday April 3, 2025
12:00 PM New York US and Canada, ET
4:00 PM GMT

Explore the application of coaching skills as a consultant, the progression from consulting to coaching, and the power of the complete package.

Find out what is happening at Coach-123, coaching events, how to find a credentialed coach, about coaching services, and engage a coach for business, executive, leadership, career, wellness, communication, or leadership coaching.
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